Monday, January 25, 2010

Beadboard in the Dining Room.

A few months ago we moved the buffet in the dining room here where the computer desk was, and built the cafe shelves above it.

This is where the buffet once stood. For the past few months this has been a blank white wall.

Enter a piece of beadboard and some leftover paint and trim. I painted the top half of the wall the same beige color as our family room.

We still need to change the outlets to white. I got the berry wreaths for 25 cents each at a yard sale! The clock came from our local thrift store for $2 a few months back.

I took five of the gold frames that have hung on this wall for years and painted and distressed them. I have been wanting to do silouettes of the kids for a long time and I finally broke down and did it. It cost me $1 for the paper.

I am so pleased with how this wall turned out for very little money. I can't wait to get started on the rest of the dining room/kitchen.

I am linking up with Twice Remembered and Between Naps on the Porch

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Last Christmas Project

I undecorated the tree to take it down but I wanted to see how the tree skirt I just made looked on it. I used a canvas dropcloth from Lowes. I used my new ruffle foot for my sewing machine and ran 12 yards of fabric through it in about 2 minutes. I love it. I didn't iron it because I'm just going to fold it up and store it for next year. Then I wanted to see how the new ornaments looked I got on clearence after Christmas. So we put those on. I like how simple it looks. Can't wait to put it back up next year.

Remember the cute vintage tree in the white urn from my previous post.  I went to the local thrift store last week and there was a second one!!!  I snatched it up fast.  Now I have a pair.  And for $1.50 each. (The tag on each said $45).  I also snatched three of these flocked bird nests on branches for $1 each (tag said $12).  I put my glittery Christmas cardinals in them. I also got a bunch of other vintage looking items with the tags still on.  The local nursery donated the rest of their inventory to the thrift store the week of Christmas.  I'll have to rememebr that next year!!!

I picked up the pine/berry picks at the craft store for $1 the day after Christmas.

I packed up Christmas yesterday and with all my new finds I can't wait for Christmas to come this year!!!
Happy New Year!!!


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