I found some great deals this past week!!! This cake pedestal was $2 at the local thrift store. It's 10 inches wide and has a cute black and white gingham ribbon on it. I have waaaay to many cake pedestals.

I hit a yard sale this morning. It was a fundraiser for the class of 2010 so it was large. I got this little suitcase for $1.

It fits nicely on this three shelf table I got there for $3.

This little guy was 75 cents. I have found some great Easter decorations at yard sales this year.

I found this five piece set of camp cookware at the local thriftstore for $3 for all. It looks brand new.

This flag wall hanging was $1 at the yardsale this morning. It is made with a thick off-white canvas fabric background and thick dark red grossgrain ribbon for the red stripes. The blue part is tin and the stars are magnets. I think it is probably missing a few stars but I love it anyway.