I found these items at our local thrift shop a few weeks ago. This is the inspiration for an upcoming master bedroom redo. We've had the same decor since we have been married and it's time for a change.

The framed art is new with tags. I paid $4 for it. The flowers were $2. I love how delicate and wispy they are.

I bought the black lamp the same day for $4. It is solid wood and very heavy. The glossy paint is in perfect condition. The problem was it had no shade. I knew if I kept my eyes peeled I could find one. The very next week I found a shade for 50 cents. It was creme colored. Nothing fancy. I knew I wanted it to be black toile. I could hardly wait to get to town to get some fabric. A few days later as I was going through my closet I found a toile skirt way at the back. I made the wrap skirt about 5 years ago. Problem was I used a thick upholsrtry fabric for it and it never laid the way it should have. I only wore it a time or two. I was so excited. I spent 30 minutes unpicking the black and white gingham ribbon from around the bottom of the skirt. But I knew it would look nice around the shade. About an hour later I was finished. I love the finished product. My friend came over and saw it sitting on my kitchen counter. She said "That is a $60 lamp."

The little wood Paris sign was 50 cents!

I bought these two pictures years ago after our family returned from living in England. I found them at Target and had to have them. They have been hanging in the living room for years. They will make a nice addition to the master bedroom.
This is another lighting fixture that I spruced up. I wish I had a before picture but I don't. This was an ugly old light in the dining room when we purchased the house. Just imagine it without shades and the middle wood part being a dark brown stain. I really wanted to change out this fixture but we were on a very limited budget so I revamped it. I sanded and painted the wood part white. Then I was on a hunt to find lamp shades to cover in toile. I went to Goodwill on a mission and still can't believe my find. They had 5. Not 4. Not 6. But 5. I Couldn't believe it. They were white and still in the shrink wrap. Brand spankin new and 50 cents each. I bought a toile tablecloth at T.J. Max and used it to cover the shades. I also made a runner for my bufftet and a valance for my kitchen window from the tablecloth.